Auskunftsbegehren gemäß Art 15 DSGVO (Facebook – Version englisch) - V1.0


1.. Versionsstand dieses Dokuments..................................................................................................... 1

1.1   V1.0 Stammfassung................................................................................................................... 1

2.. Hinweise zu diesem Muster............................................................................................................. 1

3.. Musterbrief.................................................................................................................................... 2



1.  Versionsstand dieses Dokuments

1.1  V1.0 Stammfassung

Redaktionsschluss Dokumentation: 29. Mai 2018


1.2   V1.* Wesentliche Änderungen gegenüber der Stammfassung



2.  Hinweise zu diesem Muster

Dieses Muster kann zu Auskunftsbegehren (Facebook Version) gemäß Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) verwendet werden.

Das Muster ist an den gekennzeichneten Stellen (blau) zu ergänzen bzw. auszufüllen. Kommentare sind grau kursiv und sollten entfernt werden. Der Rest sollte unverändert übernommen werden, es sei denn zwingende Gründe sprechen dafür.


Das Muster wurde nach besten Wissen und Gewissen zusammen gestellt, kann jedoch keinesfalls individuelle Beratung ersetzen. Für die Vollständigkeit und Richtigkeit bei einer konkreten Anwendung kann daher keine Gewähr gegeben werden.


Wir empfehlen das Auskunftsbegehren per Post an die im Muster genannte Adresse von Facebook zu senden und auf Ihrer Facebook-Seite eine Nachricht (via Messenger) mit dem Auskunftsbegehren (im Anhang) an @Facebook zu schicken, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Anliegen bearbeitet wird.


3.  sample letter

Right of access conformable to Art 15 GDPR (=DSGVO) (facebook version)

According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) any person concerned has the right of access to the personal data which are currently being processed by the controller.


That also applies, if the data are from publicly accessible sources or provided by the person concerned.

The information must be provided, if the identity of the person concerned is a given. This is the case when the information of the requestor matches the information of the controller, or when the signatures match.


The signing person has to fill out and sign the information by hand


Facebook Ireland Ltd.

4 Grand Canal Square

Grand Canal Harbour

Dublin 2 Ireland





Name and surname:









In fulfillment of your abligations conformable to the GDPR within the access of the data, which are processed in pseudomized form, I offer the following information:

Please check and complement the appropriate items

Cookies, that were saved on my computer from facebook in the past 6 months:




URLs on facebook, that I clicked in the past 6 months:




My account name at Facebook:



My telephone number, which is placed at facebook:



My e-mail address, which is placed at facebok:



For the purpose of verifying my identity or for the identification of my pseudomized data, I offer my password as well. Please name me a secure transmission path for it.



object: the access conformable to the GDPR(Art 4, 11, 12, 15, 20, 26, 28, 44-46)


Dear Sirs! Dear Madams!


You process and use personal data. I request answering the following questions with reference to Art 12, 15, 26 GDPR and all other relevant regulations.


General information request

Which nature of data is processed?

What are the contents of this data?

To whom was or is this data transmitted?


Answer that questions, if the age oft he person concernedis under fifteen.

What personal data of children is processed?

What are the contents of this data?

To whom was or is this data transmitted?


Detail request to personal data

For which purposes are processed my comments, status messages, location information und private messages?

- What are the contents of this data?

- To whom was or is this data transmitted?

For which purposes are processed my fotos und videos?

- What are the contents of this data?

- To whom was or is this data transmitted?


Data storage

How long do you store my personal data?

If there is no time specification, what formal term criteria do you have?


International data transfers

What data is processed within the framework of international data transfers due to the permission conformable to Art 49 para. 1 lit a?

What data is processed within the framework of international data transfers due to the absence of an adequacy decision and appropriate safeguards conformable to Art 49 para. 1 lit b?

If you process data within the framework of international data transfers for other reasons, I request to be notified.


Who is your competent supervisory authority conformable to the GDPR?


On which basis of contract or right do you process data?


If the data will be processed by others, I request name and address of the processors.





Answer that questions, when you are in one of the following situations:

I declined friend requests and quitted existing friendships during the past six months.

What are the contents of the collected data?

To whom was or is this data transmitted?

Examples therefor:





I modified my information about family status and relationships during the past six months.

What are the contents of the collected data?

To whom was or is this data transmitted?

Examples therefor:





I modified my information about work and education during the past six months.

What are the contents of the collected data?

To whom was or is this data transmitted?

Examples therefor:





I modified my information about my address, telephone number und e-mail-address during the past six months.

What are the contents of the collected data?

To whom was or is this data transmitted?

Examples therefor:





I declined group requests, associated new groups and quitted existing group memberships during the past six months.

What are the contents of the collected data?

To whom was or is this data transmitted?

Examples therefor:





Advertising and research purposes

Which categories of data were or are processed for advertising purposes?

- What are the contents of this data?

- To whom was or is this data transmitted?

Which categories of data were or are processed for research purposes?

- What are the contents of this data?

- To whom was or is this data transmitted?


Automate decision making

Do you have techniques for automatic decision making?

What are the techniques that use automatic decision making for personal data?



- Which algorithms do you use to arrange postings?

- Which algorithms do you use to arrange messages?

- Which algorithms do you use to arrange friend requests?

- Which algorithms do you use to arrange new links, pages, groups and events?

- Which algorithms do you use to arrange advertisements?



For what purpose were my cookies processed during the last six months?

What is the meaning / what is the format of this data?

To whom was or is this data transmitted?


Deletion of data

I deleted comments, status messages, location information, pictures, videos during the past six months.

What are the contents of this data?

To whom was or is this data transmitted?

When will the final deletion of the data occur?


Deletion of my account

I deleted my account during the past six months.

What are the contents of this data?

To whom was or is this data transmitted?

When will the final deletion of the data occur?


Deletion, rectification, limitation

Which recipients did you inform about the rectification of data?

Which recipients did you inform about the deletion of data?

Which recipients did you inform about the limitation of data?



I also apply for electronic delivery of all my published information (Art 20 GDPR):

Please check and complement the appropriate items

to the e-mail-address: ___________________________

to the data processor: ___________________________

for upload to the online platform use this data: _____________________

name an online platform for download: ___________________________



The following section should be only used, because of a concrete suspicionden of serious data breach.


Cambridge Analytica


Because of the named cause, I have reason to believe that the protection of my personal data is injured and there is a risk of damage. As you didn´t inform me conformable to Art 34 GDPR, I kindly ask you to give me legally binding information, that my data was not processed in a systematically, severely illegal way. Furthermore I want to know, if the data protection authority is informed. If the data protection authority is not informed, I would like to know the reason this did not happen. Why I was not informed about the data breach?


I request the delivery of information.

Please check and complement the appropriate items

To the e-mail-address:




To the home address:





The courier service must perform an identity verification at delivery of the document.


Conformable to Art 12 para. 3 GDPR, the information has to be given immediately, in any event within a month. The information has to be in written form, free of charge and comprehensible.



Yours sincerely




